2024-10 October, 2024 Games
We are returning to posting occasional games, but for this month it is a slightly different format to leverage the tools of our online playing site LiChess.
In September and October an (unofficial) sister club in Hemmingford, England ran a quads tournament. Club members Oscar Chavez (Chavezo) and Darren Erickson (LaughingVulcan) faced off in Round 4. They chose to meet at ISU’s Milner Library and played a game OTB while echoing the OTB moves into Lichess (it was an online tournament, after all!) Here’s the study from that game as created by Darren, playing Black – to get to LiChess to download the game either with or without annotation click the three dots in between the move-forward and move-back buttons to choose “View on LiChess.”